Общий английский


Все обучающие курсы разработаны автором. Изучение  языка осуществляется поэтапно: от нулевого до продвинутого. Уровневый подход обеспечивает последовательность, системность и преемственность в изучении языка. Постепенно накапливается словарный запас, развиваются и автоматизируются навыки устной и письменной речи. По окончании полной программы обучения вы владеете английским языком на уровне независимого пользователя (independent user).

С дошкольниками я не работаю, устным опережением владеют другие преподаватели.

Школьные курсы разработаны автором с учетом требований образовательного стандарта и экзаменационных требований ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.



2 класс

1 Easy English (Lesson 1): постановка прозношения + отработка правил чтения

2 Правила чтения – Тренажер по чтению

3 Учебный курс (на базе аудиоматерилов Rainbow, 2 class)

3 класс

1 Easy English (Lessons 2 – 15): отработка коммуникативных навыков в типичных ситуациях (диалоги)

2 Учебный курс (на базе аудиоматериалов Rainbow, 3 class)

3 Подготовка к ВПР 3 класс

4 класс

1 Учебный курс ( на базе аудиоматериалов Rainbow, 4 class)

2 Дополнительное чтение (Easy stories)

3 Подготовка к ВПР – 4 класс

5 класс

1 Учебный курс ( на базе аудиоматериалов Rainbow, 5 class) 

2 Дополнительный материал - Курс современного английского языка на уровне Elementary (Units 1-9). Уровень - А2

3 Подготовка к ВПР 5 класс

6 класс

1 Учебный курс ( на базе аудиоматериалов Rainbow, 6 class) 

2 Дополнительный материал - Курс современного английского языка на уровне  Elementary (Units 10-19). Уровень - А2.

3 Пдготовка к ВПР  6 класс

7 класс

1 Курс современного английского языка на уровне  Pre-Intermediate ( Part 1 – 15 Units). Уровень - А2 - В1

3 Подготовка к ВПР 7 класс

4 Подготовка к ВПР 8 класс (Часть 1)

8 класс

1  Курс современного английского языка на уровне Pre-Intermediate ( Part 2 – 15 Units - подшлтлвка к  ОГЭ). Уровень - А2 - В1

3 Подготовка к  ВПР 8 класс (Часть 2)

4 Подготовка к ВПР 9 класс

9 класс

2 Курс современного английского языка на уровне Intermediate. Уровень - В1

3 McMillan Tests (подготовка к ЭГЭ, письменная часть)

4 Тренировачные задания по подговке к ЕГЭ 10 класс

10 класс

1 Учебный курс по подготовке к ЕГЭ  (12 Units)

2 Подготовка к ВПР 11 класс

11 класс

1 Курс современного английского языка на уровне Upper-Intermediate. Уровень - В2

2 Тренировачные тесты - EGE Tests (30 вариантов)


Курсы для взрослых характеризуются коммуникативной направленностью с целью формирования вашей компетентности в условиях типовых речевых ситуаций.

1 Starter

Программа курса  современного английского языка для начинающих.

Уровень – Starter

Основной курс

Unit 1

Английский алфавит

Личные местоимения: я, ты, он…

Глагол to be: am / is / are

Числа 0-9


Задания к упражнениям

Unit 2

Повторение: алфавит, фразы знакомства,  глагол to be

Числа 10-19


Неопределенный артикль

Множественное число существительных

Семья: лексика

Unit 3

Личная информация: имя, фамилия, номер телефона, адрес, возраст, семейное положение (вопросы и ответы)

Unit 4

Личная информация о другом человеке: о ней, о нем.

Притяжательные местоимения: мой, твой, наш…

Оценочные прилагательные.

Говорим о предпочтениях: мой любимый фильм и т.д.

Unit 5

Множественное число существительных (исключения)

названия предметов (путешествия)

Unit 6

Глагол to be отрицательная форма (я не менеджер)

Глагол to be вопросительная форма (вы студент?)

Дни недели

Unit 7

Указательные местоимения: этот, тот…

Еда и напитки.

Unit 8

Прилагательные (описание людей)

I like apples / I don’t like apples.

Do you like Omsk? – Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Объектный падеж местоимения (меня, вас, нам и т.д.)

Unit 9

Простое настоящее время (обычно делаю)

Глаголы (рутинные действия – программа дня)

Простое настоящее время – отрицательная форма.

Простое настоящее время – вопросы: Ты говоришь по-английски?

Unit 10

Вопросительные слова (что, когда, где и т.д.)

Мой рабочий день.

Unit 11


Unit 12

Глагол Can (могу – не могу, умею – не умею)

Вопросы (ты умеешь говорить по-английски?)

Повелительное наклонение (говори \ не говори)

Названия месяцев.

Даты – первое, второе, третье число и т.д.

Говорим о работе (работать из дома, проводить совещания и т.д.)

Unit 13

Выражения «Я бы хотела. Что бы вы хотели съесть?».


Unit 14

A, an, some, any.

There is / there are – утвердительная, отрицательная и вопросительная формы.

A lot of / many / lots of.

В городе.

Unit 15


Unit 16

Свободное время.

Оценочные прилагательные – интересно, трудно, дорого и т.д.

Описание квартиры.

Have got / have.

В кафе  ресторане.

Unit 17



Дополнительный курс для уровня Starter

Легкий английский

(современный английский в диалогах: отрабатываются речевые конструкции в типичных ситуациях, расширяется активный словарь, формируются навыки правильного произношения)


Алфавит, правила чтения.


Урок 1


Здравствуйте! (Hello!)

1 am, you are / Are you? / yes – No / I am / I am not

Урок 2

Знакомство - продолжение

Откуда ты? (Where are you from?)

I am, you are, he is, she is, we are, they are / American, Russian, Mexican / I’m, you’re, he’s

Урок 3

В офисе

Что это? (What's this?)

It / have, has / in

Урок 4

Мой дом

Добро пожаловать в мой дом! (Welcome to my house!)

book – books / there is – there are / a, an / this is – these are / the / in, on

Урок 5

Где это?

Это твой диск? (Is this your disc?)

Am, is, are / a, an, the / Is the …? / window - windows

Урок 6


Кто это? (Who’s that?)

Who / this is… / that is … / Hiroko’s, John’s

Урок 7


Какой это номер? (What number is this?)

Yes, it is – No, it isn’t / don’t have – doesn’t have / Do (does) … have?

Урок 8

В городе

Почта открыта сегодня? (Is the post office open today?)

Where, what, who / I don’t have any / Do you have any…? / on Tuesday / in, from, at

Урок 9

Свободное время

Что ты делаешь в субботу? (What do you do on Saturday?)

read – reads / Do I read? / I don’t read – he doesn’t read / Yes, I do – No, I don’t / There isn’t a – There aren’t any / Is there a – Are there any?

Урок 10

Выходной на пляже

Давай пойдем на пляж сегодня! (Let’s go to the beach today!)

that / why / because / too / for

Урок 11


Где ты работаешь? (Where do you work?)

at 1:00 / What time…/ when / morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night

Урок 12


Где крупа? (Where’s the cereal?)

boxes / some / of

Урок 13

В магазине

Сколько стоит эта рубашка? (How much does this shirt cost?)

this, that, these, those / How much / How many / a lot of, a little, a few, too much, too many, ask, look, take / Don’t smoke, don’t run, don’t speak


Урок 14


Чем ты занимаешься? (What do you do?)

me, you, him, her, it, us, them / teach – teaches, watch – watches, fix - fixes

Урок 15

Месяцы, времена года

Я бы хотел договориться о встрече. (I'd like to make an appointment)

would like / I’d like / could

Урок 16

Тело человека, болезни

Я плохо чувствую себя сегодня. (I don’t feel good today.)

my, your, his, her, its, our, their / need to, have to, want to / must, can, should

Урок 17

Я делаю это сейчас

Ты хочешь пойти со мной? (Do you want to come with me?)

read – is reading / fast – faster – the fastest / good – better – the best


2 Elementary

Курс английского языка для уровня Elementary






listen and speak

Unit 1

to be (Present Simple)

Personal information

Lesson 1. Introductions

Video 1

Three plus one

1 Where are you from? (Meeting people)

Unit 2

my, your, his, her, our, their, its

the girl’s bag


Lesson 2. Acquaintances

Video 2

Home video

2 Do you need any help? (Shopping)

Unit 3

plural of nouns

Present Simple (+ / - )

prepositions of time

Daily programme

The Family

Birth, marriage and death


Lesson 3. Invitation

Video 3

Do it Yourself

3 I’ll have pizza, please (Food and eating out)

Unit 4

Present Simple (review)


Describing people

Health and illness


lesson 4


Video 4


4 This is your room (Staying with a family)

Unit 5

This – these, that-those

Present Simple (?)

Go + prepositions

Can / can’t / Can I?

Conversations: greetings and wishes, useful words and expressions

Food and Drink

Lesson 5

My home

Video 5

A night to remember

5 One first class stamp (Banks, post offices, bureau de change)

Unit 6

Present Simple (Review)

In the kitchen

In the bedroom and bathroom

In the living room

Lesson 6

My working day

Video 6

Close Encounters


6 I don’t feel very well (Health)

Unit 7

Past Simple, to be: + / - / ?


At school and university


Lesson 7


Video 7

New Neighbour

7 Your passport, please (At an airport)


Unit 8

Past Simple – regular, irregular verbs

Your phone


Shops and shopping

Lesson 8


Video 8

 To the Rescue

8 A single room, please (Hotels)

Unit 9

Past Simple - review

Online shopping

In a hotel

Eating Out

Lesson 9


Video 9

An Old Friend

9 When is the next train? (Travelling by train or bus)

Unit 10

Countable / uncountable nouns

A / an, some, any





Free time at home

Lesson 10

Looks and Character

Video 10

Dinner for Two

10 There’s so much to see! (Tourism)

Unit 11

Object pronouns (me, him…)

One / ones

Music and musical instruments

Countries and nationalities


Lesson 11


Video 11

Change of a Dress

11 I’ll do it straight away

(Helping customers and colleagues)

Unit 12

Present Continuous Tense (+ / - / ?)

In the town

In the countryside


Lesson 12

What did you do?

Video 12

A long weekend

12 When can you deliver? (Goods and services)

Unit 13

Present Simple / Present Continuous

Word formation



UK culture



Lesson 13 Future plans

Video 13

 A  Clean Sweep

13 I’ll put you through (Phone calls)

Unit 14

Present Continuous (review)


The media

Problems at home and work

Global problems

Lesson 14


Video 14

A Perfect Day

14 Are there any questions?

(Talks and presentations)

Unit 15

Comparison of adjectives

Prefer + ing / noun

Every day verbs: Have




Lesson 15

The Customs and Immigration

Video 15

A Picture of Health

15 What’s your opinion? (Seminars and expressing opinions)


Unit 16


Free time (books)

Everyday verbs:





Video 16

 Not Working Out

16 I’ll hand it in tomorrow (Class schedules)

Unit 17

Present Continuous for Future

Future Simple

Going to

Everyday verbs:



Phrasal verbs


Video 17

A dog’s tale


Unit 18

There is / There are

My home

Everyday things





Video 18

A Brief Encounter



Дополнительный курс - Английский для туристов

3 Pre-Intermediate

Программа курса для уровня Pre-Intermediate (Часть 1)


Grammar / Vocabulary

Additional exercises


Collocations (key words for fluency)

Listening and Speaking

Unit 1

BE: am, is, are (+ / - / ?)

Present Simple (+ / - / ?)

BE: am, is, are (+ / - / ?)

Present Simple (+ / - / ?)

1Speed dating

Your house (section 1)

1 How do you know Mark? (Socializing)

Unit 2

Pronouns: I / my / me

Prepositions of time

Likes / dislikes

Can / must


2 Sports show

Room and Furniture (section 2)

2 I’m phoning about the house (Living away from home)

Unit 3

Past Simple: be, regular, irregular verbs (+ / - / ?)


Text 1 While the auto waits

3 Adopting a dog

In the kitchen (section 3)

3 How do I buy a ticket? (Transport)

Unit 4

Past Simple: questions

Used to


Text 2 Love for art

4 A healthy balance: changing lifestyles

Food (section 12)

4 Shall we go out for dinner? (Eating Out)

Unit 5

Present Continuous Tense (+ / - / ?)

Present Simple / Continuous

Past Simple: review


Getting known

5 A day’s work

Clothes (section 15)

5 You should go to the police (Emergencies)

Unit 6

Can / should / have to

Work (vocabulary)

Present Continuous Tense: review


Bella Fleace gave a party



6 Partners’ race

Personal Items (section 16)

6 have you got a headache? (Health)

Unit 7

Comparison of adjectives

Describing people (appearance and personality)

Present Simple / Continuous

Can / could


Must / have to


How we kept Mother’s Day

7 Choosing a roommate

The Family (section 17)

7 How about a hostel? (Holiday accommodation)

Unit 8

Countable and uncountable nouns

A, an, some, any

Comparative adjectives


The man who took notice of notices

8 Recreational vehicles: Airstreams

Health (section 18)

8 What can I do here? (Sightseeing)

Unit 9

Be going to

Present Continuous for Future

Will + V

Something, anything, nothing, everything


A sad story

9 Travel plans: winter vacation

Education (section 19)

9 When are you flying? (Travelling abroad)

Unit 10

Present Perfect

Present tenses: review

Will / be going to

Present Continuous for Future

Reading Mabel

10 Your favourite movie

Shopping and Food (section 11)

10 The weather is changing (A news story)

Unit 11

Passive Simple: present, past, future


Reality TV

Past Simple or Present Perfect

Reading Noisy neighbours

11 Music students’ lives

Work and Entertainment (section 21)

11 I have our schedule (Hosting overseas visitors)

Unit 12

Gerunds and infinitives

Past Continuous Tense

Past perfect tense


Passive sentences


The Flying Dutchman

12 A night out

Technology and Time (section 22)

12 You did really well (Workplace discussions)

Unit 13


Past tenses: review

In the city

Past Simple or Past Continuous

Past perfect



13 (1) A visit: welcome to Los Angeles

Transport (section 7)

13 I’ve organized the trainer (Organising an event at work)

Unit 14

Present Perfect Continuous tense

Present tenses: review



14 (2) Special project: help the children

Travel (section 8)

14 You need a budget (Talks and seminars)

Unit 15

Basic Business English


Online dating

In a company


15 (3) The best remedy: alternative medicine

Meals and eating out (section 9)

15 Welcome to the school (First day at school)


ПРОГРАММА курса  Pre-Intermediate (Часть 2 – темы)

(подготовка к экзамену на уровне A2 + ОГЭ в рамках популярных тем)

# unit


vocabulary / topic /

exam preparation


Unit 1

Present Simple or Present Continuous


Test 1

Family relations

Family traditions

Unit 2

Past Simple or Present Perfect

Present perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous




Test 2

Relationships with friends

Best friend

Making friends

Unit 3

Present Tenses after: when, before, until…

Future: simple, be going to, Present Continuous, Present Simple

Daily life

Test 3

Daily life

The problems of keeping a pet

Unit 4

Yes / No questions

Questions: where, when, why, how

Questions: who, what, which


Test 4

Shopping habits

Unit 5

Past Perfect

Question tags


Test 5

A talk about clothes you wear

Teens’ fashion

Unit 6

Must / Have to/ Mustn’t / Don’t have to

Should / ought to / had better

Food and Healthy Lifestyle

Test 6

Healthy style of living


Unit 7

Passive sentences: present, past simple

Passive sentences: perfect, continuous, can / must

Leisure and Hobbies

Test 7

Your hobbies

Music in your life

Reading habits

Unit 8

Zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional

School life

Test 8

Your school life

After school activities

The school system in Russia

Unit 9

Third conditional

Both and, either or, neither nor

Choosing a career

Test 9

Your future plans

The role of a foreign language

Unit 10

Past Simple or Past Continuous


Test 10

Summer holidays

Spending holidays

Unit 11

Test A: Tenses (present)


Test 11

Main cities of Russia

Travelling abroad

Unit 12

Test B: Tenses (past)

Urban and Rural Life

Test 12

The place you live in

Unit 13

Test C: Future


Health and Illness

Test 13


Unit 14

Reported speech: sentences and questions

Mass media

Test 14

TV in your life

Modern gadgets

Unit 15

Conditionals (0, 1, 2, 3)

Wish +V2, wish + Past Perfect


Test 15

Ecological problems of the place where you live


4 Intermediate





Focus on vocabulary

Focus on reading


Listen and speak

Unit 1

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Meeting people

Family and friends

Romance, marriage and divorce

Growing up

Best friends

What happened? A trip to remember

How are things? (Socializing)

Unit 2

Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous



Daily routines

Prepositional phrases

A walk on the beach

Memorable events: winter sports

Can I take your coat? (Eating out)

Unit 3

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Past perfect

Past perfect Continuous


Fixed phrases in conversation

Verb or adjective + preposition

Family fortune

Adventure: wakeboarding camp

I’m looking for a flat (Living away from home)

Unit 4

Be going to, Future Tenses

Придаточные предложения времени и условия

Future plans

Make, do, take

Give, keep, miss



A free lunch

What’s on?

I’d like a refund, please (Shopping)

Unit 5

The Passive

A place to live

The place where you live

Around the home

City life

Life in the country

Happy days

Buying and selling online

Is there anything on? (The media)

Unit 6


Looks and personality

The body and movement

Describing appearance

Describing character

A load of old rubbish

Extreme sports: expect the unexpected

I’ve got a pain in my arm (Health)

Unit 7


Wish / If only


School education

Studying English

University education

Rent free

Treasured possessions: a trip to the pawn shop

I could do with a break (Travel)

Unit 8

Reported Speech

The world of work


Talking about your work

Making a career

The perfect woman

Amber Alert

It’s an amazing place! (Sighseeing)

Unit 9

Gerund and Infinitive

Free time

Sport and leisure

Books and films


Special events

Say it again

Mission statement: learn to drive

Shall we say 5 o’clock? (Requesting services)

Unit 10

Modals: can, could, be able to, could have done, must, can’t




Fashion and buying clothes

David Bowie

We usually hug: a world of customs and gestures

I’d like to open an account (money and mail)

Unit 11

Will / Shall, So / Such, Enough / Too




Edgar Allan Poe

Cross-cultural awareness: holidays and customs in Asia

My bag’s been stolen (Emergencies)

Unit 12

May/ Might Have to / Must

Travel / Holidays

Travel bookings

Air travel

Sightseeing holidays

The founding fathers

World languages: practicing English in Harvard Square

Can I take a message? (Messages)

Unit 13

Must / Mustn’t / Needn’t

Should / Ought to

Food, health and diet



Hotels and restaurants



George Washington

Study habits: how to improve

Let’s get started (Meetings)

Unit 14

Yes / No questions


Climate change


The physical world

Peter the Great

Myth or reality: happiness

Good morning, everyone (Lectures)

Unit 15


Crime and punishment


Newspapers and television


Phrasal verbs


Changing lifestyles: new fathers

Good afternoon, everyone (Presentations and talks)

Unit 16

Questions: who, what, which

Science and technologies

Phoning and texting


Email and the Internet

Phrasal verbs

The history of biology

Restaurant story: whose disastrous meal?

What do you mean? (Seminars)


Программа дополнительного курса для подготовки к ЕГЭ

Уровень Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate


Unit #



Exam Practice

Unit 1

Test E: Tenses (Present and Past)

Family Life

Exam assignments

Unit 2

Test G: Tenses (Future)

People and Society

Exam assignments

Unit 3

Test I: Questions, negatives and answers

Shops and Services

Test 1

Unit 4

Test J: Modal verbs


Test 2

Unit 5

Test K: The Passive


Test 3

Unit 6

Test L: Verb + to-infinitive or –ing form


Test 4

Unit 7

Test M: The infinitive and the –ing form


Test 5

Unit 8

Test N: Nouns and agreement


Test 6

Unit 9

Test O: Articles


Test 7

Unit 10

Test Q: Pronouns

Free time and culture

Test 8

Unit 11

Test S: Comparative and superlative


Test 9

Unit 12

Test Y: Conditionals and wish

Science and Technology

Test 10


5 Upper-Intermediate

Программа курса Upper-Intermediate + First Certificate Exam Preparation




Grammar +

FCE practice

Listening Comprehension


American collocations

Unit 1

On the move


Revision of simple tenses

Present Perfect or Present perfect Continuous

FCE: What’s on?

Money advice

Super smoothie: super business

Bob’s day at work

Unit 2

Travel and accommodation


The passive voice

Making comparisons


FCE: Worth the risk?

Telling a joke

Now that’s personal

Bob returns home with bad news

Unit 3

Weather and climate


Direct and indirect speech

Like, as, as if, as though


Narrative sentences

FCE: Fact or fiction?

What photographs remind us of

Journeys of the mind: guitar town

Ted’s day at school

Unit 4


Eating out


Infinitive or –ING form

Countable / uncountable nouns

Future forms

FCE: Food for thought

A story about wolves

First flight and beyond

Nicole’s day at school

Unit 5

Clothes and fashion


The number of nouns

Indirect speech

Reporting verbs

FCE: Material world

Leisure centre

The brain at work

Ted goes out for the vening

Unit 6

Free time


Articles 2

Certainty, possibility

Passive 2

FCE: It’s you call

The radio lecture

Dance art

Susan stays at home and bakes cookies

Unit 7



Universal and negative pronouns

Relative clauses


FCE: Back to the future

The paranormal

Want to win a million dollars?

Susan hires Bob to run her business

Unit 8

Keeping fit


Adjectives and adverbs

Gerunds and infinitives

I wish / if only / I’d rather

FCE: We are family

The driving lesson

Internet dating

Ted forms a rock band

Unit 9



Much, many, little, few

Present and past habits

Participle clause

FCE: A new look

What people like to eat?

Would you assert yourself?

Nicole for president!

Unit 10

The energy crisis

The green revolution


Conditionals, wishes

Obligation, necessity and permission

It is / there is

Structures with GET and GOT

FCE: Use your brain

Northern sky


Bob visits the village market

Unit 11

The media

The media

Infinitive and participial construction

Ability and possibility

Mixed conditionals

FCE: Hard at work

Diana’s story

Urban myths

Bob drives a hard bargain

Unit 12

The law

Crime and punishment

Tag questions

Passives 3

Have / get something done

FCE: Strange but true


Job interview

Bob’s big cookie order

Unit 13

The arts


Prepositions: position and direction

So, such, too, enough, very

Emphasis with What

FCE: Natural wonders

White teeth

The Olympics

Amber comes over to bake cookies

Unit 14

Talking about books


Grammar review (Test)

FCE: Getting there

Crime doesn’t pay

Multiple intelligences

Amber and Ted heat up the kitchen



6 Advanced

Программа курса для уровня Advanced



Vocabulary in Use



CAE Exam Practice

Unit 1

Describing people: qualities

Personality and character

Prefixes: creating new meaning


Climate change: global warming

Breaking news


Additional test

Unit 2

Relationships: friends forever

Relationships: ups and downs

Suffixes: forming new words


News Paparazzi

Travels and traditions


Additional test

Unit 3

Applying for a job

Job interviews

Word-building and word-blending


What does the future hold?

Behaving and interacting


Additional test


Unit 4

Home styles, lifestyles

Socializing and networking

Easily confused words



Selling and spending


Additional test

Unit 5

One word, many meanings

Cramming for success: study and academic word

At work: colleagues and routines


What makes a hero

Health and sport




Additional test

Unit 6

Collocations: which words go together

Here to help: customer service

Modality: expressing facts, opinions


Dream vacation

Culture: old and new



Additional test

Unit 7

Our endangered world


Metaphor: seeing the light





Green issues



Additional test

Unit 8

On the road: traffic and driving

Attracting tourists

Idioms for everyday situations and feelings


Alternative therapies

Learning and working


Additional test

Unit 9

Talking about language

History: since the dawn of civilization

Brushing up on phrasal verbs


Top ten music

Science and technology


Additional test

Unit 10

The haves and have-nots

Economy and finance

Connotation: marking associations


Vegetarian vs carnivore

A mind of one’s own

Unit 11

The media: internet and email

Illness: feeling under the weather

Register: degrees of formality


Mona Lisa

Breaking news


Travels and traditions


Additional test


Unit 12

International politics

War and peace

Spot the difference: making comparisons


Balancing act

Behaving and interacting


Selling and spending


Additional test


Unit 13

Describing people: appearance and mannerisms

Permission: getting the go-ahead


Life makeover

Health and sport


Culture old and new


Unit 14

Diet, sport and fitness

Technology of the future

Time: once in a blue moon


Say what? Which English?

Green issues


Learning and working


Additional test


Unit 15

The performance arts: reviews and critiques

The visual arts

Cause and effect


Flying high

ience and technology


A mind of one’s own


Additional test



Коррективные курсы необходимы в том случае, если вы хотите усовершенствовать свой английский в отдельной области, например, подтянуть грамматику, расширить свой словарный запас или научиться лучше понимать английскую речь на слух. Вы можете выбрать один из трех уровней сложности в соответствии с вашим фактическим уровнем знаний и умений. Особенностью данных курсов является тесная взаимосвязь прорабатываемого материала с тренировкой речевых навыков.

Уровень 1. Elementary Level.
Уровень 2. Pre-Intermediate Level.
Уровень 3. Intermediate Level.
Уровень 1. Elementary Level.
Уровень 2. Pre-Intermediate Level.
Уровень 3. Intermediate Level.
Уровень1. Elementary Level.
Уровень 2. Pre-Intermediate Level.
Уровень 3. Intermediate Level.
Уровень 1. Elementary Level.
Уровень 2. Pre-Intermediate Level.
Уровень 3. Intermediate Level.


FCE (Upper-Intermediate and above)
CAE (Advanced and above)